SJP Accounting & Tax Services, LLC. was established in 2007. SJP Accounting & Tax Services is a family owned and operated business with a commitment to giving top notch tax and bookkeeping services. We are looking forward to the new tax season!
Sasha Andersson, EA ​
Sasha was fortunate enough, while going to University, to get a position with an accounting firm. This position lead her to change her then major from Social Work to Accounting. Sasha became an Enrolled Agent shortly after starting her own business to further educate and keep up with the ever changing IRS laws.
Patric Andersson
Patric is originally from Sweden and traveled to the US for international experience about a week before September 11, 2001. He met Sasha in 2003 and they have been together ever since. Patric completed a Business Degree and International Marketing Diploma while in Sweden and graduated with a Bachelor's of Science in Business Management and with an Accounting certificate at BYU-Idaho.